Salute one another with an holy kiss.
The churches of Christ salute you.
Romans 16:16
Mangagbatian kayo ng banal na halik.
Binabati kayo ng lahat ng mga iglesia ni Cristo.
Romans 16:16
Iglesia Ni Cristo also mistakenly using Romans 16:16 for their practice of holy kiss. It appears that they also do not know how to practice the holy kiss properly. Ask any Iglesia Ni Cristo member on your schools and offices about their understanding about the holy kiss and they will simply admit that they are also having hard time in comprehending it. Imagine that. Even themselves cannot fully explain their favorite bible verse Romans 16:16 and they still have the nerve to display it stickers of their vehicles and properties. Do Iglesia Ni Cristo members practice holy kiss among themselves?
Iglesia Ni Cristo cult have a really lots of weird doctrines. They cannot even explain how Felix Manalo became an angel. It is just an addition how they believe that only INC members will be go to heaven. All Catholics, Protestants and Muslims will burn in hell. That how lucky INC members feel for themselves. They were brainwashed that heaven is exclusive for INC members only. How about the INC members who murders, rapes and cheats? The political cult Iglesia Ni Cristo is narrow minded into their way of close minded thinking they they are the only fortunate beings to escape the wrath of burning fires of hell. Even in the Philippines, INC members are not even admired for their supposedly admirable christian way of living. Probably this is the same reason why Filipinos refuse to join the INC cult and INC members are also leaving the Manalo family.
strongly agree! .....The churches of Christ salute you. English 101, Noun are names of persons, places, things. There are 2 types of Nouns, Proper and Common. The word "churches" in Romans 16:16 is a common noun, not Proper as the INC claims that the word churches refers to their group's name which is wrong.