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Iglesia Ni Cristo Grand Evangelical Mission

Manila, Philippines - Iglesia Ni Cristo is actively inviting everyone to listen to their self-serving doctrines by inviting all people to their chapels. They will try to convince you with their newly painted house of worships and well-mannered way of accepting guests. That is how they deceive people. Their weird doctrines hide behind those well-dressed INC ministers. The INC cult is well-known for their vicious way of attacking their enemies. Here in the Philippines, Filipinos are well aware how these INC members treat people who are not members of their cult. There's even a case where INC deacons, minister and members killed 5 University students inside an INC chapel. INC members also beat up Pentecostal preachers during a 'religious' debate. Iglesia Ni Cristo also love to dip their hand hands in Philippine Politics. INC cult is also well-known in getting involved in government appointments. Only politicians who loves to get the INC block voting numbers during elections praise Iglesia Ni Cristo headed by the Manalo Family.

Iglesia Ni Cristo

Iglesia Ni Cristo's Grand Evangelical Mission (GEM) are being held from time to time whenever they wish to. Usually, on their Church anniversary or a birthday celebration of one of the Manalo Family (Felix, Erano and Eduardo). The primary doctrines of the Iglesia Ni Cristo are: Felix Manalo is an angel sent from heaven; Jesus Christ is not a God, just human; Heaven is exclusive to INC members only; All Catholics, Protestants and Muslims are going to burn in hell. These are the doctrines your going to hear in INC's Grand Evangelical Missions. So don't ever waste your time and fool your self by attending any invitations by any Iglesia Ni Cristo member. Once you mistakenly joined and baptized as INC member, the next time you will be doing is voting politicians dictated to you by the Iglesia Ni Cristo cult. Ouch. What kind of a 'Christian' religious group that dictates it's member to vote politicians during elections. Expulsion will be given to any member who transgress the INC law in voting politicians.

Iglesia Ni Cristo

Grand Evangelical Mission (GEM) is a deceit, a scheme by the Iglesia Ni Cristo cult in propagating their lies and twisted doctrines formulated by the Manalo Family. I never heard any Iglesia Ni Cristo member or minister who successfully defended their doctrine that Felix Manalo is an angel and our Lord Jesus Christ is just a human. I have talked to some Iglesia Ni Cristo members about their doctrines and all they know is to curse, malign and spread lies about other religions. Iglesia Ni Cristo chapels maybe painted as white but their doctrines are very dark that threatens to hide the light of truth from the Bible. The Manalo family is the main culprit of this grand scheme by Satan to deceive many people as possible. INC loves to claim that they already have millions of members. (As if number of membership is the basis of being true.) The INC population is usually boasted by Iglesia Ni Cristo cult before elections in the Philippines. Technology also plays a crucial part in INC's Grand Evangelical Missions, just like how INC members usually boasted in the internet. These INC members need to go out of their congregations so they can see that technology are being used everywhere. Iglesia Ni Cristo need to convince people by showing the correct Christian way of living, not by showing us those expensive INC House of Worships while people are living in poverty and struggling on everyday lives with empty stomach.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
for ye are like unto whited sepulchres,
which indeed appear beautiful outward,
but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
Matthew 23:27

Iglesia Ni Cristo

1 comment:

  1. poor cult members, God is so mad at them for denying Him.
